Friday, April 24, 2015

Running Out of Time

My dream this week is to get a picture with Judge Ken Starr.

Meeting Judge Starr is not the problem; I have met him on multiple occasions. Many of the times that I have met him was at Waco Hall during events. He shows up to most of the symphony shows and big student activities events. He also leads the law school graduates in and out of Waco Hall. The reason I have met him many times is because his seats and the door he enters through is the door that I work. Since we are not allowed to have our phones with us, I have not been able to take a picture.
"Image: Kindonnelly"

The first time I met him was freshman year and I had no idea who he even was. Alanna and I were walking on campus and he stopped us and we had a conversation. At first I thought he was some random old guy wandering campus. When we figured out who is was, it has been my mission ever since to get a picture.

I hope to get a picture before graduation. Many of my family members will be in town and many of them know who he is. This time when I get asked if I have ever met him, I will have pictures to go with the story.
"Image:Alan Levine"

Sic'em Bears!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Concert on a Wednesday?

On Wednesday, April 8 I worked the David Crowder concert in Waco Hall, Baylor University. This was the first time he had been to Waco to perform since splitting with the other members of The David Crowder Band. While he went solo the other members formed the band known as The Digital Age; I have worked their concerts before. Before the concert that night he performed in chapel, to give a little taste of what would be an even bigger night.

As an usher for Waco Hall, I knew about the Crowder concert at the beginning of the semester. I knew of him, but, I had never heard his music so I was not sure if I wanted to work or even go. When April finally arrived I was still unsure if I wanted to work the concert; I knew I was going to go either way. The day of the concert I decided to work the concert. Working the concert, I was able to see more than what normal guest would be able to see. I was not able to meet him though. I was able to see the set up close (I wish I would have gotten a picture), watch the bands warm up and I got paid to be there.

I also work for chapel, which is also in Waco Hall. Chapel is usually comprised of the students needing their credits; but, we always welcome visitors, especially on days like that Wednesday. We allow visitors to sit upstairs and watch. Having a preview of his talent was smart because it convinced myself and others like me (on the fence) to go. Chapel that day was the first time I had ever heard him play. I can honestly say I was very surprised how good he sounded. Hearing how good he was with just a few instruments is what finalized my decision to work that night.

The actual concert began a little after 7 p.m.. The first opening band Dan Bremnes, Canadian singer-songwriter, had good music and was enjoyable. The last opener Tim Timmons, California worship leader, also was good and seemed to have many fans in the audience. Both bands were good choices to play and seemed to get a good response from the audience. With many bands only able to sound good recorded, it was really great that all three bands sounded good live.

When Crowder came on stage the audience gave him a great welcoming of cheering and clapping. His music was very powerful and praised god in a way I had never heard. In fact if churches played songs like him, more often, I would probably go more. Another thing he did was put the lyrics on the screens. You did not have to know the songs before-hand to sing, because the words were right there and everyone could sing together. It felt like a really awesome church service; you could really feel the presence of god. As ushers, even though we are working we are allowed to have fun; we danced, sang and took our own pictures. Even though I am not a fan of worship music; I do have exceptions and he is now one. Crowder made me really enjoy the genre with his different, new style. He combined three different genres and it worked. He calls it folktronica, a blend of folk, rock and electronic.

Between bands I was able to look at the merchandise tables. All three bands had t-shirts, CD's and normal merchandise items. Crowder's merchandise table was unique though; his set-up looked like an old mom and pop store with the counter and a backdrop of various items found in one. What also made his merchandise really stand out was that he was selling packets of seed, mason jars with his face, books he wrote, beard oil and beard combs.

Overall this concert was a great experience that will be hard for me to forget about. I hope in the future that opportunities like this will still happen for me. I also do wish I could meet him (I did meet his wife though) and talk about his experiences with god and at Baylor.

For more information you can go to David Crowder's website or his Facebook.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


My dream this week is to have a good night's sleep. Trying to get a good night's sleep is the reason my blog this week is late.
"Image: Plbmak"

Getting a good night's sleep is an act everyone should be able to do. As a college student and also a senior, I can for a fact say this is a hard thing to come across. Never more than this semester have I not been able to get enough sleep. Past semesters I have been able to successfully pull all-nighters and what not because I was able to make up the sleep the next couple days or sleep a lot on the weekend. This semester has been the hardest, many nights of only three or four hours of sleep. I have so many things happening that even on the weekends I am not able to make up for lost sleep. Naps have become my best friend. I try to take a nap everyday, which helps a little bit. The naps either give me a boost of energy or make me want to sleep even more.

"Image: Rhino Neal"
This semester I am taking 19 hours, working three jobs and completing a 100 hour internship. The semester did not start off as stressful as it is now. As I near the end of the semester and graduation all of my classes have papers and/or projects due at the same time. Most of them are manageable but all together it is a nightmare and would make anybody else run and scream. As I turn each paper and/or project in, a little weight is lifted off my chest and I can almost see the days where I will be able to get some sleep.
"Image: Cyndy"

Bye, I am gonna go try and fit a nap in.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Cooking Like a Beast

I dream of the days I will have enough time to open up a cookbook, choose recipes to make and actually make them.
"Image: Jill M"

I have time now to find recipes, but that is as far is it gets. With my busy schedule and life as a broke college student, I am not able to get to the grocery store, buy the food and put enough time aside to make the meals. It makes me mad because I find so many good recipes but all I have time for is quick, okay types of meals.
"Image: Heather aka Molly"
"Image: Masahiro Ihara"
"Image: Robert Couse-Baker"

I love cookbooks and one day hope to have a big collection of them. I love them because each book is special and has different qualities that make it unique. I have some and they are awesome. In each book there are some recipes that I do not like but that comes with the territory. Each book has so many good recipes that it makes up for the alright, and not so good ones. I do not know if it makes me weird but, I have a list of the cook books that I want to buy when I get the money. Some of the cookbooks I want are all the Star Wars ones, a few different Disney ones, The Pioneer Women cookbook and of course Julia Child Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Vol. I. In fact, I just bought the Julia Child one and it will be here Saturday.
"Image: Peyri Herrera"
"Image: Polka Dots and Pastries"
"Image: Jacinda Santora"
"Image: C.C. Chapman"

Hopefully when I get the books and finally have time to start cooking recipes from them, I will post about it and share the recipes that I find to be delicious and worthy of sharing. In the meantime, if anyone is reading this and has a recipe they would like to share, do not hesitate and share it below.
"Image: Environmental Illness Network"

"People who love to eat are always the best people."
-Julia Child